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A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.
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Using AI for the development of sustainable resource projects
Innovations in solving POMDPs with large state, action, and observation spaces
Using formal and approximate techniques to validate safety-critical autonomy
Presentation for the Data Science and AI Student Seminar series.
Presentation for the silicon valley autoware meetup hosted by
My discussion with Florian Wagner on the Safety Corner podcast. Listen here.
My PhD Defense!
Research seminar discussing our paper Verification of Image-based Neural Network Controllers Using Generative Models.
Research seminar discussing a wide array of verification and validation techniques. Co-presented with Sydney Katz.
Fireside chat discussing techniques for building safe and reliable autonomous systems.
Summer Course, AI4ALL at Stanford University, 2021
Three week course on AI and robotics targeted toward 9th graders as part of AI4ALL.
Course, Stanford University, 2022
CS521 is a 1-credit speaker series I curate each year in the spring. See the course webpage for details
1-Week Intensive, Stanford Center for Professional Development, 2023
Designing Robust and Reliable AI Systems (SCPD page) was a week-long course covering topics such as ML robustness, explainability, verification, uncertainty quantification and more.